The Meadow | The Keepers of the Balance Series (Book Two)

The Rogue Elites continue to pose a formidable threat. The return of haunting dreams torment Marston. Will he endure the danger of being a Keeper?

As Marston enters a new school, he must navigate the challenges of forming friendships while safeguarding his Keeper identity. Amidst the challenges of everyday life, Marston grapples with his growing affection for Olivia. Can he summon the bravery to take their relationship to the next level?

Disturbing dreams about the safety of his family cause Marston to rely on his fellow Keepers. Will he embrace their help, or will he defy the rules and take matters into his own hands?

While Marston journeys through multiple universes facing powerful foes, a remarkable discovery reveals a hidden secret. Brace yourself for a twist that will shatter Marston’s perception of reality and reshape the course of his future forever. Is he more than just a Keeper? The threads of fate weave a tangled tapestry, connecting him to The Balance in ways he never fathomed.

The Meadow, the second book in this thrilling young adult fantasy series, raises the stakes and reveals profound truths. Join Marston on an action-packed, coming-of-age odyssey, where thrilling battles and tender romance collide in a breathtaking blend of magic and intrigue. Will Marston rise above the chaos, or will the forces of the Darkness consume him? The answers lie within the pages of this captivating tale, where destiny is both fragile and extraordinary.


“The Meadow continues with Marston as he discovers why the darkness has targeted him from the beginning. Dreams threaten the balance he struggled to find in the last book to help him in his job as keeper, and his friends and colleagues within the Keepers help him stay on track, even as a new school, new friends, and new challenges are thrown at him. Marston wavers, and almost fails, yet finds the inner strength to do what’s right. Still, with evil powers that have been planning these events for decades, even with a few boosts, he struggles to keep his head above water.

I really enjoyed The Meadow, reading through it in two days. Shana’s pacing kept each page turning and the action was well balanced, so I always wanted to move on to the next chapter without feeling frazzled.

What’s so fun about this installment is how Marston learns how connected he is to not only the Keepers, but to the Rogues. His dreams try to lead him, but he doesn’t quite figure out until the end why the leader of the Rogues is so keen on recruiting him, and the surprise sets the reader up to be absolutely ready to find out what happens next.

Though this is marked for YA readers, it is entirely appropriate for MG as well and I recommend it for all adventure fans.”

~Goodreads Reader

“This is an amazing book for YA readers. It’s a fantastic continuation in the series. Some questions answered, new mysteries discovered, relationships further established, all wrapped in approachable reading and exciting plots. Definitely worth the read.”

~Amazon Reader

“Wow. I just love Marston Ames and his family, especially Clover. I love their relationship – it’s realistic, and even when they aren’t getting along, they’re respectful toward one another, and supportive. I love that Marston makes sure to include Clover in what’s going on, and I LOVE that she threw him a sixteenth birthday party.

This book has plenty of action in it, and Marston and Olivia grow closer as they work through things happening to Marston and his family. Orbie is a wonderful addition to the team. There are twists and turns, and plenty of danger for Marston and Olivia to navigate as they chase down Rogue Elites.

This is really the first portal fantasy fiction I’ve read, and it’s rapidly becoming a favorite genre, all due to this series. I can’t wait for book three!”

~Amazon Reader