
Media For Shana Dow


Join me and me for a live interview with YA Fiction Author Shana Dow during Kindle Countdown Week! We will be chatting about Shana’s novel, “The Keeper”, a YA Contemporary Fantasy novel which is included in this month’s Countdown Week.

Welcome Shana Dow to The TufFish Show, a place to help writers and aspiring authors get out of their own way to leave a legacy by telling the stories they want to share through writing their own books and confidently sharing them with others. The writing process can be tough and the business side can feel scary, but TufFish makes both feel smoother and achievable. Visit to learn more.

As writers, positive self-talk is so important. When you’re creating a story, you know the possibility of the impression your words can have on your readers, so you choose them well. Do you do the same with your self-talk? This fabulous deep conversation with Shana Dow goes into being mindful of what you tell yourself and giving yourself permission to make adjustments. Whether it’s to change a book cover to align it better with your genre, questions to ask to make important edits or how to give yourself grace as you write, run your author business and live your life.